Capital One Business Deals Quote Form

Please note that each plan is per device or individual.
If you need a more customized quote or have questions, contact us.

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Try out our AKKO Plan - 3 Months FREE

Use Code: PARTNER3

Choose Plan:

(billed $156/yr)

(billed $180/yr)

Bundle Multiple AKKO Plans:

To sign-up for Student Plans, you can be any type of student, from middle school to high school, including incoming college student, current college student, or recent graduate. Students at any 2yr, 4yr, or graduate school are all eligible as well. Any age.

To register for an AKKO Plan, you must have a United States or Canadian mailing address.

Choose Plan:

Bundle Multiple AKKO Plans:

To sign-up for Student Plans, you can be any type of student, from middle school to high school, including incoming college student, current college student, or recent graduate. Students at any 2yr, 4yr, or graduate school are all eligible as well. Any age.

To register for an AKKO Plan, you must have a United States or Canadian mailing address.

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